A capacitor is a passively electronic component with two terminals and a capacitor is a device while that stores electrical charge or energy. The property of a capacitor is known as capacitance.
Specification of capacitor are listed below
1. Temperature coefficient
Temperature coefficient of a capacitor is a specification that maximum varies or change in it's capacitance with temperature. The temperature coefficient of a capacitor or any passively electronic component is generally expressed in ppm/°c.
Most capacitor are especially electrolytics lose their capacitance means fixed capacitor are low frequency or low audio.
2. Equivalent series resistance (ESR)
(ESR) Equivalent series resistance of a capacitor when it used in high frequency and include resistance of the dielectric material the dielectric and the capacitor plate resistance are measured only at a particular frequency and temperature
A capacitor dissipate more power (loss) when the high equivalent series resistance (ESR) there when high AC current are flowing. Capacitors have very low (ESR) rating capacitors are the ability or limit to store a electric charge or energy. Mica and film types of a capacitor have low (ESR).
3. Leakage capacitor
The capacitor means resistance or current it's determines or indicate the amount of current also voltage and the main point that is to be a capacitor leak after being fully charged the result of the leakage current or resistance of the capacitor are not perfect insulator. Even capacitors are storage device and the capacitors are fully charged then is automatically disconnected and the capacitors charged are very slowly.
Electrolytic capacitor are not good for use in AC coupling because they have high leakage rates film capacitors is very good AC coupling.
4. Dielectric absorption
The (DA) dielectric absorption is effect or reduces the capacitance values of capacitor because it could be discharge the charges or energy of a capacitor. So, is too be less effective a working charge electrolytic capacitor have high dielectric absorption, low (DA) is positive (+) and high (DA) is negative (-)
All capacitors have some dielectric absorption the (DA) have high temperature and highest magnitude.
5. Insulation resistance
Insulation resistance of all dielectric properties will decrease with increase in temperature insulation resistance of all capacitance values for that line. Insulation resistance measurements are measured the megaohms area's.
Insulation resistance is very small values of capacitance insulation resistance is a poor at blocking DC signals insulation resistance is an important parameter because it signifies how well a capacitor can block DC signal.